Page Designer Overview
- Page Controls
- Container
- Group
- Field
- Part
- Container
- Container Control Subtypes
- Content Area: Root for a normal page (non-role center).
- Role Center Area: Root for a Role Center page.
- FactboxArea: Root for FactboxArea.
- Content Area: Root for a normal page (non-role center).
- Group Control Subtypes
- Group: Create FastTabs in card pages and/or used to group a number of controls together
- Repeater: Present data in a tabular format, such as in list page.
- CueGroup: Create CueGroups, like in SO Processor Activities page.
- FixedLayout: Fix layout of other controls, like controls in the bottom section of Journals.
- Group: Create FastTabs in card pages and/or used to group a number of controls together
- Field Control Subtypes
- Their is no Subtypes for this control as this is for simply adding of required field from table
- Part Control Subtypes
- Their is no Subtypes for this control only you have select 'parttype' properties and set PagePartID or SystemPartID or ChartPartID under FactBoxArea.
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